Just like the previous collection, Prada got our attention by their distinctive Fall Winter 2018 Runway Show. We’re seeing playful accessories with new figures, a lot of colors and never-seen-before handbags. Of course, there are new totes, which is something we love about Prada Replica Handbags.
Take a look of what Prada has to offer. There are handbags printed with new cartoons like Robots and Aliens in multicolor. And there is more, a monkey hanging on the Triangle from Prada’s iconic logo. Is cartoon-inspired handbags now trending? Is it practical to carry on the street? Well, it’s all personal taste right? So what is yours?
Here’s a bag that you will not regret The Prada Soft Pouches. Of course we are not certain what these bags are made from. But from guessing, it should be durable and strong Nylon. The Prada Nylon’s are pretty strong and scratch-free. If so, then it’s certainly going to be a one-time purchase and eternity yours bag. These pouches come with a chic chain, signature triangle logo as well as in variation of bright shades.
Back to the past? Or just race-font designed logo? The first bag is a nice rectangle-shaped handbag, featuring the prada triangle logo, but without the Burberry Replica Handbags signature in it. The triangle logo is made from leather. Instead the logo has been crafted on the body of the bag in Italic and vintage-like font.
And take a look at the second tote. A very nice tote bag with minimalistic design. And here as well, it’s made with the triangle leather logo, but without the house’s name on it. Instead the logo is written on the bottom of the front – designed with a stripe. |